Todd Michael Schultz

The next Republican President of the United States

Todd Michael Schultz is the best option available to the Repubican Party to win in 2024.

4 Tenets of Schultz’s Campaign:

1) Truth

  • Ask me any and prepare to hear what you hear.

2) Loyalty

  • I have no ties. The American People are my number one priority.

3) Understanding

  • I know what I’m talking about and know when I don’t know

4) Discourse

  • Ongoing dialogue about real change.

Todd Michael Schultz is the best option available to the Repubican Party to win in 2024.

4 Tenets of Schultz’s Campaign:

1) Truth

  • Ask me any and prepare to hear what you hear.

2) Loyalty

  • I have no ties. The American People are my number one priority.

3) Understanding

  • I know what I’m talking about and know when I don’t know

4) Discourse

  • Ongoing dialogue about real change.

Why run for President, Todd?

1) I’m 37.

2) I’m a born and raised citizen of the United states.

3) I have the right to pursue the office.

And I have the courage to face the odds.

Under a Schultz administration, we will revitalize the American Individual through community workshops dedicated to an array of skillsets, with grants given for qualified workshop leaders and teachers. No longer will the American wonder if he could have, he will learn that he can. We will boost morale in unprecedented ways.

Why run for President, Todd?

1) I’m 37.

2) I’m a born and raised citizen of the United states.

3) I have the right to pursue the office.

And I have the courage to face the odds.

Under a Schultz administration, we will revitalize the American Individual through community workshops dedicated to an array of skillsets, with grants given for qualified workshop leaders and teachers. No longer will the American wonder if he could have, he will learn that he can. We will boost morale in unprecedented ways.

The Great American Workshop


The Great American Work Force Will Be Revitalized Through Mentorship and Workshops that help citizens embrace their potential and effectuate it. It will come with the added benefit of socialization and human interface and I’ve run dozens of writing workshops, I know exactly how they get done and how to get them done starting day 1.

The Revival of the Middle Class


I will set a goal for a family of four in Los Angeles - as an index - will be making 200k a year. We will revive the once thriving middle class without handouts or absurdly expensive programs. This number will be used as an index for my administrations intent across the country. We will attune in real time to what’s happening and form new ways of solving problems faster.

I am not afraid of the big interests. Of the unholy precedents set by congress and the judiciary - provided that nobody’s perfect, no great injustice shall go denied. We have more information than ever today.

I can devise novel software that provides neutral detection of problems arising. We won’t punish mistakes. We won’t punish addicts. We’ll improve treatment facilities and audit the costs and the outcomes and make economical decisions about changes.

We’ll also get down to realness, and I won’t pander to the public. I’m here to help, and I know I can. That’s why I’m running. Give me the chance to earn your support. We’ll be maintaining an email address where you can ask direct questions, and until it becomes impossible, we’ll answer every question. Full transparency infused with reasonable knowledge and understanidng of the issue at hand. No one unquaified will be given jobs, and no one without solutions will be hired. My administration will constitute a fundamental shift in the energy of America. We won’t make America Great Again. We’ll make it better than ever.

Sweetheart deals and overinflated deals with government contractors will be dissolved and replaced with fair contracts and fair rewards for fair work. We can fund the workshops with those monies alone. I have the know how, and I will get it done as President. We can revitalize the skill set of the American people with workshops, which mean trying and exploring one’s craft, not just learning the basics. This will stimulate American innovation and take us far ahead of where we ever believed possible.

We can. And we will.

Our Country Is Being Run By the Inept

It’s essential that the next President of the United States of America be someone with integrity, neutrality where it counts, and courage always. Todd Michael Schultz is that person. Regardless of your party affiliation, this is the candidate you have been looking for. Your rights will not be denied during my tenure. They will be affirmed.

During My Administration

Speaker Man Podium

Full Pardon for Donald J. Trump

no question.

Magnifying Glass

Improved auditing of economic structures with an ongoing attention to results.

If it’s hurting, we do something else till we get it right. In every sector.

Crowd supporters

Education and Mental Health

Hire professionals all around, audit their results, and reinvogorate the American Spirit in every single citizen.

No american citizen will be ignored

We can reinvigorate America. Every sector. Become champions in everything.

If we work together,

If we Work.

I‘m the best option.

By far.

Let’s do this, America.


info to Be determined.

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To make this easy, everyone who emails this

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This begins November 11th at 8 Am PST